Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Busy Mama

Hey everyone......

Wow I have been slacking in all of my blogging. I have been busy being a mom, student, fiancé who is planning a wedding, and just life. I am getting back into the swing of things. We have more of a routine down and I feel I can accomplish more. Well.....sometimes it means I have to stay up late to get it done but I am getting it done. I have gotten use to getting about 4-6 hours of sleep. YIKES!!!! It's not as bad as it sounds. Maybe Andrew and I will get to go on a honeymoon (yah right) and then I can catch up on my sleep.

So here are some updates on me and my crazy life:

-Ayden is almost a year. Congrats to us! It has been an amazing year and I am so thankful for every second I have with Ayden.

-We have decided to move back to Portland. I have some crazy mixed feelings about this. I know that it will be the best decision for us. We will have better job opportunities, better schooling, and extra help with Ayden in Portland. BUT I love Bend SO much and I have this overwhelming sadness every time I think about moving away from this city. Andrew and I fit in so much here and it really is the "perfect" city for us. I love my little house here. It really does feel like home and this is where Ayden was born. Well...maybe we will move back after graduation.

-When we move back I will be looking for work. It has been a little hard financially with only one income. Especially since we are planning a wedding. So if anyone knows of a job that I would love, let me know.

-I am close to getting a wedding dress. I have a couple that I really like. I am going to try on more one more time. I must find my dress by the end of this month!!!!

-Andrew has continued his passion with photography and started his own photography business. This is a dream that he is finally pursuing. We have been talking about it for about 2 years now but he is finally making the first steps towards starting it. He is building his own website by himself. I am SO impressed. He is doing it from scratch with almost no help. It means that he is up all hours of the night working on it but it will be a nice reward when its done. It is still under construction but check it out

-7 months till we get married!!!! Wedding plans are slowly getting planned. Financially it is not the greatest time to be planning a wedding but we are working on it. I am positive that it will all work out.

-I am maid of honor in my best friend's wedding. Melanie asked me a few weeks ago and I am so excited!!! It truly is a honor to stand by her side and watch her marry her love and best friend. I am so happy for her and can't wait to celebrate their engagement this weekend.

-Ayden has tons of new tricks. I am posting pictures, updates, videos on our family blog. Check it out in the next couple of days.

Well...I am sure that I have forgotten a few updates but that is ok. I will be trying to blog almost every day.

I started menu planning again this week. I did not post it but I will next week.

love always,

"I can hold you in my own two hands and I can comfort you with my own two hands"- Jack Johnson and Ben Harper

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